The Vinton VA Post Office which serves thousands of Vinton Residents on a weekly basis is business usual (almost). The post office took quick action to protect it’s essential workforce and customers by implementing new rules when coming inside the building and using the postal counter for your shipping needs.
Some of the steps the Vinton Post Office have taken to create a safer experience for customers and employees include:
- Limiting the number of customers allowed in the postal counter line to 3 – Other must wait in main lobby behind glass doors.
- Installing tape on floor 6 feet apart to promote distancing
- Verbally instructing customers to stay 6 feet apart when tape method is ignored
- Actively cleaning credit card terminals and frequently used public areas (Counters) with disinfectant.
- Installing a Plastic Sheet Barrier in between postal workers and customers at the counter.
- Instructing customers to limit sustained contact with postal employees by asking customers to step back from counter and not maintain close contact with workers.

In rain, snow, heat, or dark, postal work is an essential service that’s playing an important role as regions in the US and around the world go on lockdown to try to slow the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. People across the US are relying on the USPS — and to meet customers needs, post office workers are taking big risks. It is important to protect or postal workers and their health and families health by following safety guidelines (even if you are not concerned or a believer in the virus).
We want to thank all postal workers and other delivery personnel and all essential workers for keeping the USA moving in a positive direction.